Customs Import Processing Charges – Update 4

In Customs Import Processing Charges – Update 3 published on 16th December, 2013, I reported the legislation to implement the increases to the Customs IPC passed through both Houses of Parliament unaltered. The new charges will come into effect on 1st January, 2014.

As referenced in that article, ACBPS has now issued ACBPS Notice 2013/66 that provides information about the transitional arrangements for imports arriving on or around the commencement date of the new Customs IPC regime. The Notice also carries a warning that ACBPS will be monitoring the implementation of the new IPC arrangements for compliance to ensure correct reporting. Any evidence discovered of misreporting might lead to punitive action being taken by ACBPS.

In brief, the transitional scenarios outlined by ACBPS are as follows:
1.) Where an import declaration is lodged and paid on or prior to 31st December, 2013, the 2013 IPC rate will apply even if the declaration is amended after 1st January 2014.
2.) Where an import declaration is lodged on or prior to 31st December, 2013, but payment is made on or after 1st January, 2014, the 2013 IPC rate will apply.
3.) Where an import declaration is lodged on or prior to 31st December, 2013, but not paid and is then amended on or after 1st January, 2014, the 2014 IPC rates will apply.
4.) Where an import declaration is lodged on or after 1st January, 2014, the 2014 IPC rates will apply.

If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact us to discuss.

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